
There’s always that one guy in a girls life

There’s always that one guy in a girls life that she will always fall back on. She'll learn to like other guys but then once they have broken her heart she will go right back to that one boy, and his smile mends her broken heart in a matter of seconds. No matter how much she tries to say that theyre "just friends",he will always be the one on her mind. He’s the one she looks for in the hall just as she comes out of her class, the last persons face she thinks about before she goes to bed and the first persons face she thinks about as soon as she wakes up. But then just as she thinks she’s letting him go he’ll come up and talk to her, then shell fall right back in where she fits. She can never stop thinking about how he gives the best high fives and phenomenal hugs and how just his voice cures everything. And no matter how many people in her grade hate him for one reason or another she will never ever hate him, she will always remember and love that one boy for the rest of her life ..

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